Act of Kindness
Act of Kindness
Heart failure/ issues affect all races and can happen to anyone at any given time as it did the owner of Crave Dior Boutique, Miss April. April was diagnosed with Postpartum Cardiomyopathy in 2018, after giving birth to her daughter. She aims to spread awareness to more people so they can prevent this from occurring to self or someone close. Did you know that more people go to the hospital for heart failure than all types of cancer combined? In 2018, heart failure was mentioned on 379,800 death certificates (13.4%.) Lack of exercise, poor diet, stress, smoking and lack of sleep all play a part in your heart health.
Your diet, physical activity, mental and emotional health all play a role in our heart health. You can learn more about heart failure and stats from this 2019 CDC United States Spotlight of Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Heart Disease and how you can prevent heart failure from the Mayo Clinic - Strategies to Prevent Heart Disease.
I am partnering with XVFII Foundation to give towards heart health knowledge and to those dealing with the financial and mental challenges heart disease brings. We hope to give to a foundation and heart disease patient ever February Any dollar amount will be accepted.
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You can also visit Intrinsic Zone's XVII Foundation at XVII | intrinsicZone to get more information on the XVII foundation how you can donate to different causes.